Clams may not be that happy, especially the ones that end up on my plate at Red Lobster, and later leaving crumbs all over my dress while I damn myself for not putting on a Red Lobster bib, but here are a few things that make me happier than even the most oblivious mollusk.
Happiness is:
Cool sheets on a sunburn.
The times when you're so smitten with someone that you've managed to whitewash away all of their flaws, as glaring as they may be, and you can't understand why they aren't the most adored person in all the land, but you're really glad that they aren't. Who needs the competition?
Watermelon agua fresca.
Drinking hot cider, crunching red and gold and copper leaves under your feet, wearing a jean jacket, and having a serious discussion on the intricate details of the perfect Halloween costume.
Swimming outdoors at sunrise.
Picking the perfect gift for someone really special.
A good cry.
The kind of hug that you can feel in your rib cage for a few minutes after the other person lets go.
Sharing a lobster roll on the pier and letting the coastal breeze tangle your sea salt hair.
A solo bicycle ride along the lake on a brisk day.
The satisfaction of a job well done.
The smell of my mother's perfume.
The memory of a good bedtime story from a long ago childhood night. One that's still so clear in your mind that you remember the story and the pictures and how it felt not to have to worry about anything but how the story would end.
The smell of chlorine in your skin when it gets wet, long after you've gotten out of the pool.
A perfectly excecuted design in any area from a well put together outfit, to a technical drawing, to the most beautiful cake ever baked, to an Eames chair.
The feeling in your muscles after a good workout. That and getting to eat a huge breakfast.
Knowing that you have a lot of love in your life and that's why nothing is really and truly the end of the world.
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