Time to take a break from the self-indulgent boo-hooing that I've been doing on here of late. Hopefully a long break. What can I say, the occasional late-night glass of wine tends to pave the way for the occasional late-night posting of whiny blogs. Also, I'm a whiner. Obviously. At least I'll put that card right out on the table. Instead of the clichéd whiny girl rant, I shall post a clichéd list of things which I'm thankful for this year. That's how I roll, my friends.
- A pretty rocking family, including the most adorable baby in all the land. I dare your baby to compete with her. That baby will lose.
- Friends willing to not only put up with, but encourage the kind of behavior that makes most people want to either roll their eyes, laugh in my face, or slap me upside the head. The kind of friends who concur with the brilliant plan to do a Photobooth photo shoot of baby dolls in a bar are better than gold.
- The ability to recognize my own whining at face value and laugh at it.
- Dinosaurs
- Hand turkeys
- Things made from and flavored like pumpkins
- Sister
- The ability to find a picture of a pin-up girl dressed as a pilgrim, holding a turkey who is making the oddest face to ever grace a fowl's head.
- Uncle Fun
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