This Fraggle book truly is an essential when it comes to forcing your children to go to bed at bedtime. Oddly enough, this book, which was never a favorite bedtime story of mine, (those top prizes went to my mother's two most hated books "Karoleena's Red Coat" and "The Very Special Badgers") is one that sticks with me to this day. I try to make myself remember the message of what I dub "The Wembley Book" when I'm getting grumpy about going to bed at a reasonable hour. The basic premise is that there's nothing that you're missing, no party, no goings on, by going to bed when you should. Tonight is yet another night when I could use the benefits of "The Wembley Book" to coddle me and ease my fears that I could be missing something so exciting and exhilerating... and yet, I'm just puttering around and drinking a glass of wine. In all seriousness though, on nights like this when I'm left to my own devices, dreading the oncoming work week and the not so bright early morning, I could really use someone who could read me "The Wembley Book" and pat me on the head and turn out the lights.
Lotion my scar, please?